Hormonyoga by Dinah Rodrigues

Since I was able to learn this yoga style in a training course, I have been enthusiastic about it.

In the 1990s, hormone yoga therapy was developed by a Brazilian lady named Dinah Rodrigues. Mainly to provide women during menopause with relief from the usual, sometimes very distressing symptoms.


Typical symptoms of menopause, such as:

  • hot flashes,
  • unrest,
  • Migraine,
  • Insomnia,
  • mood swings,
  • hair loss,
  • Loss of libido etc.

can be alleviated through regular hormone yoga practice.

But other hormonal imbalances, which are often caused by extreme stress in men, as well as prostate problems that often occur after a certain age, can also be positively influenced by hormone yoga.

People of different ages and different hormonal problems can also benefit from:

  • young women with menstrual problems
  • if you want to have children
  • after childbirth (and postnatal recovery) to bring the body back into balance
  • preventive from 35 years of age

Hormone yoga has also proven to be helpful for thyroid problems and even diabetes I and II.


Warm-up exercises, the active "Kriyas" - exercises performed with intense breathing to activate the abdominal and pelvic area, yoga nidra / relaxation exercises, calming breathing exercises and anti-stress exercises are included in every yoga class.

Hormone yoga according to Dinah Rodrigues combines elements from Hatha - Kundalini yoga as well as Buddhist relaxation techniques and, as already mentioned: yoga nidra, a special form of deep relaxation - "yogic sleep". Every yoga class has the same structure, although the individual exercises vary.

Blood supply to the pelvis area is improved, the energy level is raised and in the relaxing part of the yoga class (approx. 20 minutes) the nervous system is calmed and we can relax deeply: As with Hatha or Yin yoga, the overall package has the effect - relaxation and breathing exercises are a part that should not be underestimated and determine the practice's effectiveness.

Hormone yoga cannot be practiced in some cases - here is a list of health concerns,  when the pracice of hormone yoga therapy  is not recommended.


no hormone yoga

- when you suffer from acute endometriosis

- in the case of estrogen-indicated breast cancer

- after abdominal surgery or inflammation in the abdominal cavity

- when larger myomas

- in case of psychoses

- for heart problems

Please be sure to bring your own mat, comfortable and warm clothing and socks, as well as a thick meditation cushion (if you have one), or a thin blanket.

A weekly hormone yoga course starts from April 17th and there are still places available!

I would be happy to answer any questions if you are interested, otherwise please consult your GP or other health professional.

Information about the training I received: www.hormonyogatraining.de 

General recommendation

There should ideally be 2-3 hours between a large meal and the yoga class, 1 hour after a light snack. No restrictions regarding age or fitness level, the desire to get to know yoga is enough!

Please email me if you have any questions or concerns, I look forward to hearing from you. Namaste

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